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5 Ways To Keep Calm During Coronavirus

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Be the change you wish to see in the world, choose positivity, all days and all ways.

There is no doubt, that this has been globally devastating, so I want to share some light and hopefully, help you find your calm in this chaos.

Here are some great tips to simply relax, refocus and regain some mental clarity that is sure to boost your mood, spirit and immune system.

“Positive energy can heal the universe."

1. Swap The News For Books- It's important to be informed but how involved you get can make or break your day. I believe in staying informed while balancing my mindset with positive information. I also believe in focusing my positive energy towards what I can do to help and a big part of that includes my thoughts and what I send out into the universe.

Stay informed, absolutely, but then pick up something positive to focus on!

Let me ask you a question, how many books are collecting dust on your shelf? Probably too many! Take advantage of the much needed rest and free time, I think the world has needed and try to learn something new! Regain a fresh perspective, get clear on your intentions, hone in on positive thinking and really begin to master your energy.

This is guaranteed to lift your mood and refocus your energy for the day.

2. Water Is Healing

Hydrate, rest, sweat, take hot baths, hot showers; but cleansing is a great way to heal your energy. Instead of reaching for wine, try to hydrate, workout or shower to de-stress.

The truth is being able to cleanse with clean water is truly one of the most amazing luxuries of the world. Taking care of your health is easy when you value water. Try some herbal tea and a detox bath or shower tonight, I guarantee it will lift your mood and help you relax.

3. Think Collectively: I hesitated to type this, but it's true. We are a collective consciousness.

Now is the perfect time to check in with your neighbors and the people in your local community. I don't know about you, but I have faith in people, I have faith in the people around me, the people I know, I have faith in our communities and I trust that if I ran out of toilet paper, my neighbor would hook it up.

All jokes aside, having faith in the collective will change your perspective.

You are not alone. We are all in this together. We're a TEAM. The viral video of Italy is PROOF that the spirit of positive energy lives on, even in the midst of chaos, we can all become calm, we can all become one and sing the nature of our song; which is love, hope and faith. So, don't wipe things off the shelves. Relax. Take a step back and realize we all have each others back's!

Purchase what you need and be open to giving to your neighbors if they were in need and vise versa. It's your level of giving that will break open the ability to receive abundance and believe there is enough to go around for everyone.

This way of thinking really changed my perspective and I hope it helps shift your perspective.

4. Give Back : Give positive energy via text, phone call, face time, email, online; but spreading the love is the fastest way to cure anything. There are also a number of ways you can donate + give back, just from a click on your phone, the only disclaimer, is to really pick something you're passionate about!

Giving is never about what you get, it's only about what you give genuinely and it really will lift your spirit.

5. Create : For all the people that have never worked remotely, this is the perfect time to create freely and experience a new routine; one that is more relaxed and such a necessary part of work/life balance.

For me, I used to glorify 16 hour days until I found myself overworked and dreaming about working full time from home; now that I have been working from home full time, I can tell you from experience, the race and chase, no longer interests me. I love being able to move freely, create my day and center my energy. It is essential to my health, state of mind and well being.

Whether you're loving your new schedule or still adjusting to being inside your home full time, my advice is: you need a scheduled routine. It is all about what you actually do every day. Even for me, I used to enjoy breaking for the gym or to run an errand or grab lunch to break up my day at home; so I had to write out my new routine which include work, break, activities, exercise, hobbies and rest.

So, feel free to move freely. Really create a new vibe for yourself. Get creative with your new routine! Of course, you still have to work but now you can do that feeling more relaxed, more excitement, focused and with more energy. Plan for coffee + journaling + meditating + reading or even listening to something positive on YouTube in the morning, if you're on a laptop all day, try to sit facing a window for natural sunlight + you can also create a home office space + set up a workout center in an extra room = but life is all about what you create so now is the perfect time to own your space, own your home, focus your energy and really use this time to create a healthy "at-home" routine that works for you.

Focus on the good and be sure to write out your new schedule from home! It's a great way to stay on task, stay focused on work, while also enjoying your new found freedom.

Last tip: Having more fun everyday and don’t forget to get fresh air. No matter where you are, what you are doing, your happiness is a state of being and it rests in you; so breathe, relax and just have some fun today.


For the next 30 days, in a journal or on a sheet of paper, first thing in the morning: Write 10 things you are grateful for and 10 things you want to pray for!

It can be anything you wish, but this is a necessary part of my routine and helps me shift my mindset towards the blessings and abundance that are in my life and on their way to the world.

Of course, you can always find more positive pep talks on the podcast! I hope you enjoyed this positive spin and I'll see ya in the next post. xox - Chelsea

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