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About Me

Hey there,


Welcome to my website, I'm Chelsea Swift!


I am a Marketing Consultant, Podcaster, Blogger, Author, Online Shop Owner, YouTuber (Am I saying that right?), and Favorite Aunt Of The Year, like every year. 


As a Marketing Consultant with over 15 years of experience, I'm basically a translator. I know, I know, "consultant" makes my job sound super fancy, but I'm really just providing knowledge on a variety of marketing topics such as niche, target marketing, digital advertising, websites, analytics, online sales, and overall basic business set up.


What is Marketing? Do I need SEO? Should I hashtag my business name before it's been trademarked? What's a conversion rate? With social media trending, the world wide web can get confusing! If you're starting a business, trying to start a business, thinking about starting a business, and you don't know where to start? I'm your first step.


From real business ideas to strategy, content creation to digital advertising avenues, and websites, I can walk you through what you will need for YOUR best business practices. Hint, hint, not all businesses and industries are built alike, let me lay the foundation for your business to be profitable this year. Because retweets and followers don't always equal online sales. Email Me For More Information: 


As a Podcaster, I am leading by example as I turn my creative passion into a tangible profession. The show is LIVE, because, the world could use fewer cares, and filters, and, I truly believe that when you are being your most authentic self, that is where you'll shine the most! My podcast show is purely meant to inspire you to be your best self. Each week, there are new episodes on positive motivation, mentality pep talks, healthy tips, gym motivation, spiritual consciousness, and soul much more. Check it out on Spotify, Pandora, Apple, and Anchor. Just search: Chelsea Swift Is Your Spirit Animal 


When I am not working on my business or podcast, I am cooking and cleaning, jk, sort of not really? I am also absolutely trying to perfect my yoga headstands, whipping up a new recipe, spending time with family and friends, at the beach until further notice (vacation Chels is a whole MEME), or curled up with a good book at home, just living that simple life, phone down, facemask on. xoxo


Don't forget to check out my new book on Amazon and sign up for my weekly email for all the best advice, and weekly inspiration, and if you have any questions, email me! 


Sending all the positivity and light your way, 




Contact Info:

Chelsea Swift

Marketing Consultant + Podcaster + Blogger + Author on Amazon + Online Shop Owner 

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