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Easy Healthy At Home Schedule

Updated: May 18, 2020

Welcome back!

Today, I wanted to share some of my personal wellness items that help me stay organized, energized, active, and on track.

About a year ago, I went from working full time in an office setting, to living the "laptop dream lifestyle" and working for myself, full time from home. During this transition, I discovered a new routine, a new sense of peace, and a new way of living.

But, the funny part is with a new sense of freedom came feeling like I wasn't "doing enough" and I had to learn how to slow down and connect with simply, being a human being again.

The truth is "being active" has a whole new meaning for me. It's no longer about stress and fear and race and chase; but in being focused, calm, patient and grateful for the present moment.

So today, I just want to share some things you can do to stay balanced.

Of course, you can find more inspiration on the podcast, I just recorded an episode with this exact list; but the whole point of today's talk and blog post is to share some things you CAN do to stay active and healthy as you adjust to your new routine.

Here's a quick snap shot of things you can do today:

Make your bed, get dressed, (yes, put pants on) do your hair (you will feel better), no phone for the first hour (disconnect to reconnect) soundscapes on the TVs (so peaceful), open the windows, exercise (find a new workout on YouTube or Instagram), go for a walk, get some fresh air, read outside, play outside, journal (it's so important to connect with your thoughts and emotions) make some coffee, work (let's get ittt) , workout (keep this simple- see The Only 5 Exercises You Need To Lose Weight ) ,appreciate your home while you clean, send love and gratitude to your food while you cook, but try to find the calm in the basic things again: stop rushing when you clean and cook, try to relax, stay present and focus, make at least 1 of your meals very healthy, (1 not all, balance is KEY to not over indulging) try something new (do something different, have fun with your life), create a piece of art, paint, draw, have some herbal tea and meditate, stretch + do some yoga, connect with friends + family, read a magazine, shower, water your plants, do some yard work, work on a home project, have some red wine or kombucha,read a book, take a bubble bath, do a face mask, make dinner with music, HYDRATE, and most importantly: check in with your body and get 15 minutes of sunlight each day. (you are basically a plant with more complicated emotions) Practice a hobby, dance (move your body), listen to good music, play a game, watch something funny, learn something new, practice self love and self care and simply, slow down and take care of yourself. This is what it means to BE a human being, you just find love in the simplicity of your life and from there you regain your peace.

Okay, I hope this "power list" helped. Life is really simple and the magic of your day is found in the moment. Take this time to hit refresh on your mindset, look for the magic found in the moment, appreciate every single breath you take, because your life is here and now and it really is amazing, you just have to look closer.

Disconnect to reconnect, stay present, feel good and you will have an amazing day!

xox - Chelsea

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